Claremont Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys
The Claremont Law Offices of Herbert Hafif has been successfully representing clients who have been injured in a wide variety of Motor Vehicle Accidents since 1956. Our skilled, compassionate and highly experienced lawyers are devoted to fighting zealously to help injured clients obtain the maximum damages (in the form of monetary compensation) available under the law.
Our team of dedicated legal professionals is committed to fighting to protect the rights of the injured. A nationally renowned Personal Injury Law Firm, the Law Offices of Herbert Hafif has earned a reputation for excellence within the legal community, and we understand what it takes to successfully litigate your case. Representation is available to clients in Claremont and all surrounding regions.
If you or a close loved one has suffered severe injuries or been killed in any type of Motor Vehicle Accident, contact the knowledgeable attorneys at the Claremont Law Firm of Herbert Hafif to make an appointment for a free consultation. We will thoroughly review your case with you at no cost to determine how to provide you with the best legal representation available.
Call (909) 624-1671 today! Motor Vehicle Accident cases are taken on contingency fee, meaning you don’t pay any attorney’s fees unless we obtain compensation on your behalf.
Motor Vehicle Accident Representation in Claremont
The Law Offices of Herbert Hafif have been providing aggressive representation to clients who have been seriously injured in a wide variety of Motor Vehicle Accidents for nearly 60 years, and also represent family members who have lost a loved one due to another’s negligence on the road.
We help clients who have been injured in the following types of Motor Vehicle cases:

•Bicycle Accidents – Cars, Motorcycles or Trucks vs. Cyclists.
•Big Rig Accidents – Big Rig, Tractor Trailer and Semi-Trailer Truck Accidents vs. Cars, Motorcycles or Pedestrians.
•Car Accidents – Including serious injury accidents caused as the result of negligent road maintenance, Multi-Car Accidents, and Accidents caused by those driving under the influence.
•Dangerous Roads & Highways – Accidents that were caused by poor maintenance, dangerous road design, lack of road reflectors, inadequate shoulder space, or short entrance or exit ramps, creating unreasonably dangerous conditions and a foreseeable risk of injury to motorists.
•Motorcycle Accidents – Accidents caused by the negligence of those driving cars, trucks, SUVs, big rigs, or negligent road maintenance.
•Pedestrian Accidents – Representation of pedestrians who have been hit and seriously injured by careless or negligent motorists.
•Hit & Run Accidents – All serious injury hit & run accidents, whether the victim is a pedestrian, commercial truck driver, motorcyclist, or driver of a car or SUV.
Under California Law, injured parties must file a lawsuit for Personal Injury within the mandatory timeframe set forth by statute. Failure to bring your action within the statutorily allowed time period will result in the loss of your right to recover monetary damages for injuries, lost wages, and property damage. Don’t let this happen to you!
If you or a loved one has been involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident, it is extremely important that you contact a seasoned legal professional who will preserve and protect your rights! The Claremont Law Offices of Herbert Hafif has been providing thoughtful, compassionate and aggressive legal representation to the injured for more than 55 years. We want to put our knowledge, skill and experience to work for you!
Contact Claremont Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers at the Law Offices of Herbert Hafif
Call the Law Offices of Herbert Hafif today at (909) 624-1671 to make an appointment for your free, comprehensive case consultation. Helping injured clients since 1956, we know how to fight to get you the compensation that you and your loved ones deserve!